Holmes Dental Care logo
029 2061 7703
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We welcome referrals for our exceptional dental treatments

At Holmes Dental Care, we are pleased to accept referrals for a wide range of our state-of-the-art dental procedures. Our highly experienced and qualified team delivers the highest quality treatment and care for every patient, achieving incredible results. We have fully invested in advanced digital dentistry, and can also offer all treatments under sedation for nervous patients.

Trust us to give your patient the same exceptional standards of care and attention that they have come to expect from you. We work hard to create excellent working relationships with our referring clinicians, and keep you informed of your patients’ progress every step of the way.

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Our treatments

We accept referrals for the following treatments:

  • Dental Implants, including all types of hard and soft tissue grafting
  • Restorations
  • Root Canal Treatment
  • Orthodontics including Invisalign, removable appliances, and fixed appliances
  • Oral Surgery
  • Cosmetic Dentistry
  • Panoramic X-rays (OPT)
  • 3D X-rays (CBCT)
  • Sedation
  • Complex multi-disciplinary cases
  • Facial Aesthetics
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Refer your patient

To refer your patient to Holmes Dental Care, simply fill out the form below. We strive to make the referral process as quick and efficient as possible, and pledge to always return your patient to your care following the treatment they have been referred for.

We will be in touch with your patient to arrange their consultation and treatment. You are kept informed at all stages, and given a full report on completion. Thank you in advance for your referral.

  • Dentist Information

  • Patient Information

  • Consent

    Does the patient consent to us contacting them by:*

  • Select a treatment

    Please select from the list the type of treatment for which the patient is being referred:*

  • Xrays:

    Are Xrays needed?:*

  • Scans and Images

    Please upload any scans or images for the referral.

  • Reporting back to you

    How would you like us to report back to you with our findings?:*

  • Second opinion

    Do you require a second opinion?:*

  • *Before clicking 'Send Referral', please ensure that a valid email address has been entered in the dentist 'Email' field above. This is so that we can send you confirmation that the referral has been sent. (see our privacy policy).

See what our client say about us

Make an enquiry 029 2061 7703