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Complaints Procedure

Our Complaints Procedure

Complaints procedure in English

Should you be dissatisfied with any aspect of your care please contact the practice manager.

If you are not happy with the response you receive please raise your concerns in writing with: Healthcare Inspectorate of Wales (HIW), Welsh Government, Rhydycar Business Park, Merthyr Tydfil, CF48 1UZ

The complaints manager is Barry Holmes.

Complaints from patients are responded to within 48 hours with an initial reply. The complaint is then fully investigated, and the patient given a written response. If this is not adequate, resolution is sought locally before being escalated.

The practice complaints procedure:

  • Is simple, accessible and well publicised
  • Designates a complaints manager to deal with patient complaints (usually the practice manager or practice owner)
  • Requires that complaints are acknowledged initially by telephone and promptly followed up in writing with an explanation of how the complaint will be dealt with
  • Indicates the agreed timescales for investigating and responding to the complaint
  • Gives patients the opportunity to express their concerns
  • Requires complaints to be dealt with confidentially, with all discussions, meetings and telephone calls held in a private area
  • Makes it clear that complaints are monitored closely as part of a commitment to improve practice standards.

The complaints manager will:

  • Investigate the circumstances surrounding the complaint
  • Seek the views of the relevant team members
  • Examine the patient’s clinical records
  • Contact the protection society/defence organisation for advice
  • Notify HIW of the complaint if the circumstances dictate so that HIW’s role in regulating patient safety, quality and effectiveness can assist in complaint resolution.
Complaints procedure in Welsh

Os ydych yn anfodlon ag unrhyw agwedd ar eich gofal, cysylltwch â rheolwr y practis.

Os nad ydych yn hapus gyda’r ymateb a gewch, codwch eich pryderon yn ysgrifenedig gyda: Arolygiaeth Gofal Iechyd Cymru (AGIC), Llywodraeth Cymru, Parc Busnes Rhydycar, Merthyr Tudful, CF48 1UZ.

Y rheolwr cwynion yw Barry Holmes.

Mae cwynion gan gleifion yn cael ymateb cychwynnol o fewn 48 awr. Yna, cynhelir ymchwiliad llawn i’r gŵyn, ac fe roddir ymateb ysgrifenedig i’r claf. Os nad yw hyn yn ddigonol, ceisir datrysiad yn lleol cyn ei esgyn.

Mae gweithdrefn cwynion y practis yn:

  • Syml, hygyrch ac wedi’i chyhoeddi’n dda
  • Dynodi rheolwr cwynion i ddelio â chwynion cleifion (fel arfer y rheolwr practis neu berchennog y practis)
  • Ei gwneud yn ofynnol i gwynion gael eu cydnabod yn gychwynnol dros y ffôn a’u dilyn yn brydlon ag esboniad ysgrifenedig o sut y bydd y gŵyn yn cael ei thrin
  • Nodir yr amserlenni cytunedig ar gyfer ymchwilio i’r gŵyn ac ymateb iddi
  • Rhoi cyfle i gleifion fynegi eu pryderon
  • Ei gwneud yn ofynnol i gwynion gael eu trin yn gyfrinachol, gyda phob trafodaeth, cyfarfod a galwad ffôn yn cael eu cynnal mewn ardal breifat
  • Ei gwneud yn glir bod cwynion yn cael eu monitro’n fanwl fel rhan o ymrwymiad i wella safonau’r practis.

Bydd y rheolwr cwynion yn:

  • Ymchwilio i’r amgylchiadau sy’n ymwneud â’r gŵyn
  • Ceisio barn aelodau perthnasol o’r tîm
  • Archwilio cofnodion clinigol y claf
  • Cysylltu â’r gymdeithas amddiffyn/cymdeithas warchod am gyngor
  • Hysbysu AGIC am y gŵyn os bydd yr amgylchiadau yn gofyn hynny, fel y gall rôl AGIC wrth reoleiddio diogelwch, ansawdd ac effeithiolrwydd cleifion gynorthwyo i ddatrys cwynion.

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